Philosophical thoughts #1


While studying religions, I stumbled onto a much deeper path than I thought. It started as a simple day, I was researching the source of the Israeli and Palestinian conflict, which is how I got to the origin of religions, this also affects the periods before the pharaohs. But the origin of religions began much earlier than we learned from history books.

At the beginning of humanity, religions were not separated from each other a cosmic belief system existed and it's still exists today in certain cultures. This cosmic system's essence that the people live in harmony by the nature and the universe. In this cosmic belief, all is one and one is all. The one means that everything starts from one unit and that becomes a whole, that is, the universe. Everything is connected to everything, but still exists separately here on earth, for example, a human being is an independent individual, but it can also be defined as a part of a whole. In this system, every living being are important, so respect is due to the all individual, who was reincarnated in earthly existence. Those ancient people who have deep spiritual roots they live in this belief system to this day, such as the Native Americans, Indians, Japanese, Tibetans, and Australian aborigines etc,. These ancient ethnic groups cannot be integrated into the religious cult that developed later, they remained with the original cosmic belief.

In the next step in the development of religious customs is the development of ancient Egyptian culture, they thought in a completely different system. They created polytheism was introduced, which meant that everything has its own god, water, wind, fire, etc. The pharaohs' views changed later and switched to monotheism. It was Pharaoh Akhenaten who introduced this belief system into ancient Egyptian culture. He worshiped Aten the sun god, and converted his people to this faith, but they were not really happy with this new religious cult. So he overthrew the millennial polytheism and replaced it with monotheism. It is important to mention the Egyptian culture, because the foundations of humanity's knowledge come from here.

Then we make a big jump in time and reach to the origin of Christianity, in connection with which the names of Moses, Mohammed and Jesus are most often read in the scriptures. The pharaohs kept the Israelites as slaves, who were taken to ancient Egypt during conquering campaign, they existed there at a higher level than the other slaves, they received adequate food and water but they were not free either. Moses is the one who leads the Jews out of Egypt at the command of God. II. Pharaoh Amenophis reigned at this time. Thus the Jews became free and received the Torah at Mount Sermon. The Torah is the scripture of the Jewish religion, which contains the teachings of Moses.

A cosmic ancient belief system

  • Atlantean culture - cosmic belief

Dynasties of pharaohs:

  • 0 – XXIII dynasties

Polytheism - alternation of Monotheism in dynasties

Pharaoh Akhenaten - IV AMENHOTEP

Monotheism - Aton is the Sun God

3 religions are created:

  • Islam - Mohammed - Koran

  • Judaism - Moses - Torah

  • Christianity - Jesus – Bible

And what is the connection between Christianity and Judaism, Jesus gave the answer to this question. Based on the first theory, he was of Jewish origin through his mother, his foster father Joseph is unknown, at least I could not find 100% truth about his religious affiliation. So Jesus' mother practiced the Jewish religion, since they lived in the territory of Israel, so she also knew the Torah, and she passed this religious knowledge on to her son. The other version marks the Virgin Mary as the mother of Jesus, the Bible also refers to this, but here came a interesting realization, no one knows exactly who his mother and father were, nor even where he was actually born. Some groups hold beliefs that Jesus has two natures, one human and one divine.

However, his teachings are true facts about him that he shared with everyone regardless of religious affiliation because he believed that his spiritual knowledge belonged to everyone. He claimed that the knowledge contained in it belongs to everyone, therefore he dictated his teachings to the apostles, they form part of the New Testament of the Bible. He declares in his Sermon on the Mount that he does not want to abolish the Moses laws, but he wants to complete these, so the other part of the Christian Bible is the Old Testament, which includes the Jewish Bible. So the foundation of Christianity comes from the Jewish religion, only Jesus supplemented it with his own knowledge. And those scriptures that were left out of the Bible are called Apocrypha. (it will be discussed in a later post)


Religion occupies an important place in every culture, it was no different thousands of years ago, it is the starting point of spirituality and all faith-based systems are built on it. In the age of the pharaohs, a religious form taken over from Atlantis began to take shape, which was then completely transformed, and then important prophets appeared on the scene, these were Moses, Muhammed and Jesus. In the age of the pharaohs, a religious form taken over from Atlantis began to develop, which was then completely transformed, and then important prophets appeared on the scene, these were Moses, Muhammad and Jesus. Moses created Jewish religion, Jesus created Christianity, and Muhammad created Islam. Jesus wanted to make knowledge available to all people, because religions contain this knowledge for the human soul, through which the soul can develop, and he knew this. The other important thing we have to mention about Jesus is the ancient cosmic religion, the beginning of everything. For me, the religious stories reveal that he wanted to return to the cosmic ancient belief system, the foundation of everything, the Atlantean faith.

To be continued...

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